Read an Excerpt from Matters for You Alone
Matters for You Alone is a spiritual exploration of friendship: its shapes and duties, stresses and blames—and its absolute necessity. The book takes its title from Jean-Pierre de Caussade’s classic, Abandonment to Divine Providence, as it strives to interpret everyday encounters and events—the domestic, the mundane—in light of the eternal.
Read an Excerpt from Moon Grammar
In the opening poem of Matthew Porto’s dazzling debut collection, we hear the voice of the recurring angel figure for the first time, commanding us to “Get used to the light.” That light—blinding, mysterious, unsettling, but occasionally illuminating—shows up again and again in Porto’s taut, elegant poems.
Read an Excerpt from There Will Never Be Another Night Like This
The people in There Will Never Be Another Night Like This have one thing in common: they’re in flux. Will they pivot and move on gracefully, or stumble and fall?
Read an Excerpt from Living the Liturgy
There is an ancient Christian saying from the Patristic Era which is known in its most concise form as lex orandi, lex credendi. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church translates it: “The law of prayer is the law of faith: the Church believes as she prays.”
Read an Excerpt from The Mystery of Iniquity
In this fourth and final entry in the Jon Mote Mysteries, our accidental sleuth and his sister Judy find themselves entangled in an international web of evil done and evil revenged.
Read an Excerpt from The Fate of the Animals
In 1913, Franz Marc, one of the key figures of German Expressionism, created a masterpiece: The Fate of the Animals. With its violent slashes of color and line, the painting seemed to pre-figure both the outbreak of World War I and, more eerily, Marc’s own death in an artillery barrage at the Battle of Verdun three years later.
Online Book Launch: Nance Van Winckel’s “Sister Zero”
Register now for the online book launch of Nance Van Winckel’s Sister Zero. Nance will read from the book, engage in a discussion of the book with special guest writer Kate Lebo, author of The Book of Difficult Fruit, as well as Slant editor Gregory Wolfe, and answer your questions.
Read an Excerpt from Sister Zero
In Sister Zero, a woman who never wanted children suddenly becomes a mother to her nine-year-old nephew after her sister commits suicide at age 34. Fifteen years later, the boy will also kill himself and in almost exactly the same manner.
Online Book Launch: Robert Cording’s “In the Unwalled City”
Register now for the online book launch of Robert Cording’s In the Unwalled City. Robert Cording will read from the book, engage in a discussion of the book with Slant editor Gregory Wolfe, and answer your questions. September 13, 2022, 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 5 pm Pacific. Via Zoom.
Read an Excerpt from In the Unwalled City
In the Unwalled City takes its title from Epicurus, who wrote: “Against other things it is possible to obtain security, but when it comes to death, we human beings all live in an unwalled city.” This affecting book—which weaves prose memoir with poetry—explores that feeling of being open to attack—in this case the pain of grief after Robert Cording’s thirty-one-year-old son Daniel died.
Online Book Launch: Jonathan Geltner’s “Absolute Music”
Register now for the online book launch of Jonathan Geltner’s Absolute Music. Jonathan will read from the novel, discuss the book with Slant editor Gregory Wolfe, and answer your questions. July 27, 2022, 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 5 pm Pacific. Via Zoom.
Read an Excerpt from Absolute Music
On an eerily warm October evening in a suburb of Detroit, a new father and struggling fantasy novelist named McPhail gazes at a honey locust tree. The sight triggers a memory of the sudden, inexplicable death of Hannah, whom he loved when they were both fourteen.
Online Book Launch: Paul Mariani’s “All That Will Be New”
Register now for the book launch of Paul Mariani’s “All That Will be New” with special guests National Book Award-winner Martin Espada and Angelo Alaimo O’Donnell. June 14, 2022, 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 5 pm Pacific. Via Zoom. Register now!
Read an Excerpt from The Meaning of Birth
In 1980, two men sit down to record a conversation. They have much in common: both are passionate, articulate thinkers. But their differences are just as striking….
Read an Excerpt from Shakeshafte & Other Plays
Dramatically and verbally intense, these plays memorably open up the space where faith and imagination speak to each other.
Read an Excerpt from When the Dead Are Razed
When Teffy Byrne steals a dead sex worker’s coded journal from a local art show, she thinks it might shed light on an unsolved murder committed seven years ago.
Read an Excerpt from In Things Unseen
From acclaimed crime novelist Gar Anthony Haywood comes a riveting tale unlike any he’s told before….
Read an Excerpt from Rose Is a Verb
California poet Karen An-hwei Lee, inspired by Virgil, has created her own dense, richly-layered collection of “Neo-Georgics,” constituting an extended exploration of such motifs as happiness, olive groves, vineyards, soil chemistries, the seacoast, and the birth of trees.
Read an Excerpt from The Substance of Things Hoped For
For a brief time in mid-nineteenth century Oneida, New York, two of the most eccentric and fascinating figures in American history crossed paths when troubled soul and soon-to-be presidential assassin Charles Guiteau threw in his lot with John Humphrey Noyes’s utopian community of “free love” believers.