Episode 21: Book Launch Event for Gather the Olives

SlantCast host Gregory Wolfe is joined by Bret Lott for the book launch of his new book, Gather the Olives, recently published by Slant Books. After his reading, Lott responds to questions from the attendees.

Episode 20: Book Launch Event for Matters for You Alone

SlantCast host Gregory Wolfe is joined by poet Leslie Williams for the book launch of her new collection, “Matters for You Alone,” recently published by Slant Books. After her reading, Williams responds to questions from the attendees.

Episode 19: Book Launch Event for Living the Liturgy

SlantCast host Gregory Wolfe is joined by poet Professor Timothy P. O’Malley of the University of Notre Dame to discuss Luigi Giussani’s “Living the Liturgy: A Witness,” recently published by Slant Books.

Episode 16: Book Launch Event for Kinderszenen

SlantCast host Gregory Wolfe is joined by Polish writer Kamil Suskiewicz, who has studied and written about the life and career of Polish author, Jaroslaw Marek Rymkiewicz

Episode 9: A Conversation with Richard Rodriguez

On the occasion of the publication of the 40th Anniversary Edition of “Hunger of Memory” Slant Books publisher & editor Gregory Wolfe and Dave Griffith, author of “A Good War is Hard to Find,” speak with author Richard Rodriguez.

Episode 8: A Conversation about “Late McCarthy”

Slant Books publisher & editor Gregory Wolfe welcomes novelist Jonathan Geltner to the podcast to talk about “The Passenger” and “Stella Maris,” two recent novels by Cormac McCarthy.

Episode 5: Book Launch Event for Sister Zero with Nance Van Winckel

Nance Van Winckel reads from her memoir, Sister Zero, and is joined by her friend Kate Lebo (author of The Book of Difficult Fruit). She then engages in a discussion of the book with Kate Lebo and Slant editor Gregory Wolfe and answers questions from attendees.