Susanne Paola Antonetta is the author of Make Me a Mother, Curious Atoms: A History with Physics, Body Toxic, A Mind Apart, the novella Stolen Moments, and four books of poetry. Her awards include a Library Journal Best Science Book of the Year, a New York Times Notable Book, an Amazon listing as one of the top ten memoirs of the year, and an American Book Award. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, UK Independent, Orion, The New Republic, and many other journals and anthologies.
Antonetta is an important voice in American letters, known for her work in the areas of neurodiversity, social justice, and science, particularly environmental science, consciousness studies, and physics. She edits the Bellingham Review, a journal committed to presenting translated and dissident writing from overseas. The Review is also committed to presenting the voices of the incarcerated, some of whom Antonetta works with as a member of the group Underground Writing.
Antonetta comes from Elizabeth, New Jersey, and lives in Bellingham, Washington, with her husband, the poet Bruce Beasley.